Penbrooke Addition - New Addition off of Brianna Information

  • The new addition is Pennbrooke. 
  • There will be approximately 271 lots on 74 acres.
  • The entrance off of Wilshire will be landscaped and include an entrance sign with illumination. 
  • The curve on Brianna will remain.
  • • Construction for new houses is expected to start at the end of 2020.
  • The subdivision will operate under a separate HOA.
  • Submit additional questions to


Simple Pruning Chart

The simplest Pruning Chart groups most plants, shrubs and trees into only 2 main Categories – SUMMER FLOWERING and SPRING FLOWERING.



Category A: Pruning Broadleaf Evergreens during dormancy is safest - least desirable is after new growth when the carbohydrates are being used for development. Boxwoods, Holly, Nandina, Photinia, Roses (Floribunda and Grandiflora).


Category B: The Summer Flowering shrubs grow on limbs produced on same season, new wood and should be pruned March 22 - June 22 before new growth. Abelia, Althea, Barberry, Burning Bush, Buddlea, Beautyberry, Camellia, Clemetis, Crapemyrtles, Hardy Hibiscus, Peonies, Spirea (Japanese and Anthony Waterer), Vitex. ALSO: Grapevines, Blueberries, Blackberries fall into this group.


Rule #2: SPRING FLOWERING are the Exception to the Dormancy and Spring Flowering rule … Spring Flowering bloom on old wood, prune as soon as flowers fade. Azalea, Big Leaf Hydrangea, Chokeberry, Figs, Forsythia, Gardenia, Indian Hawthorn, Kerria, Lilac, Saucer Magnolia, Mockorange, Pyracantha, Quinces, Smoketree, Viburnum, Weigela, Wisteria,Vines. Many place Climbing Roses and Shrub Roses in this Category.


Simple, forget all the other rules! ….MULCH - MULCH for winter protection.



The Meadows HOA Board


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