How can we change/update the Restrictions?
According to the Oklahoma County Assessor, we currently have 556 lots in the Meadows at River Bend so we would need a 2/3 majority of the members to pass or 371 votes. Plus every vote has to be notarized…The work would be quite a challenge to overcome and if anyone is willing to tackle this study, let us know.
Why are front yard signs not allowed?
Just a friendly reminder concerning landscape, fertilizer and other signs in front yards. Our C&Rs prohibit signs on the lot unless they are advertising the rental or sale of such property.
Paragraph 9. The construction, erection or maintenance of a sign or billboard on any lot or building site is expressly prohibited; except that a sign or billboard advertising the rental or sale of such property is permitted; provided it does not exceed eight (8) square feet in size, unless specific written consent is obtained in advance from Owner, above designated, for the temporary installation of larger size.
Yard Upkeep
Please remember that the Covenants each homeowner agreed to when purchasing your home stipulates that all lots (which include flower beds) must be kept and maintained in such a manner as not to distract from the cleanliness and orderliness of the subdivision. In addition, no items are to be stored next to the house in front of the fence line. This includes garbage cans, bricks, paddle boats, etc. The only exception is basketball goals that must be stored against the side of the house when not in use.
Complaints about Dog Waste and Unleashed Dogs
The most vocal complaint we hear is that dogs are leaving their calling cards in the park and throughout the neighborhood. Oklahoma City Ordinances state that all pets must be on a leash when walked and that owners will pick up after their dog. If you walk your dog, please keep him/her on a leash and carry a baggie to pick up the deposits that your pet leaves behind.
Speeding in the Neighborhood
The residential speed limit is 25 MPH on all streets. We continue to receive complaints of people speeding. The Board is currently checking into additional speed limit and Yield signs. Please make a full stop at the stop signs. Also, vehicles are not to be parked in the street overnight. The police should be contacted for speeding violations and vandalism.
Need your mailbox repaired or replaced?
Brick Mailboxes - Keyser Masonry 405.834.2420
Metal Mailboxes - Call B.L. Bouska at 405.722.081 or 405.826.5949.
Who do we contact about tall grass/weeds and animals not on leashes? or the Oklahoma City Action Line at 297-2535